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Pompeii Rising

From the Desk of Fr. Thomas - September 2024 Newsletter

The month of patrons, dear Faithful,

September began with the feast of the mighty patron of the entire Priestly Society, Pope St. Pius X. While on earth, St. Pius (who’s first class relic we have on our altar) played his part in the future Church of Our Lady of Pompeii. Only months before his holy death in 1914, the Supreme Pontiff took a chance on appointing the youngest bishop in United States history, and blessed the Diocese of Florida with Bp. Curly, who established the Holy Rosary Parish for the people of North Jacksonville. Curly would even go on to be elevated and serve as Archbishop of Baltimore-Washington D.C. after his successful tenure in Florida.

Mid September, we celebrate the solemnity of Our Lady of Compassion, Patroness of the SSPX. Our Lord Jesus Christ wants us to know the Blessed Virgin Mary as His Sorrowful Mother. Fr. Leith tells me on September 15, he enrolled some of you in the Confraternity of the Seven Dolors of Mary. It is truly a doleful mystery why the Almighty has allowed this magnificent church to go through the agony of being sold and stripped, not completely unlike Our Lord. However, it's not for us to question why, only to ask what we can do to keep the Sorrowful Mother company while we wait in expectation. Meditating on the Sorrowful Mysteries teaches us the darker the night, the brighter the dawn. The resurrection of Our Lady of Pompeii Catholic Church will be glorious. 

We conclude the month with the feast of the Prince of the Heavenly Host to whom our current chapel is dedicated. Over a century ago, Bl. Bartolo Longo writes in his memoirs “Saint Michael, the Archangel was the Guardian Angel of the Blessed Virgin during her life on earth, St. Michael is the Patron of all the Temples of the living God, and St. Michael shall be the Guardian and Protector of the Temple of Pompei.” From the Archangel’s perspective, this is (and always will be) his job: to guard the Faith in an area his Queen desires for her own and prepare it for her reception. Due to this profound connection, I’m looking for a replica of the statue I saw in Mt. Gargano to top the church’s main facade where he will never cease watching over us.

We are only in our second month of the Children’s Rosary Crusade and this month, 980 Holy Rosaries were offered for the financial and logistical success of Pompeii Rising, totaling 1,752 since August. This is fantastic! September is also the first full month of the 54 Day Novena, which has been modified for our Wednesday Family Rosary Night to be prayed all year long. These two particular and unique prayers are preparing us for October when I will be submitting the Master Plan to the US District House. Please pray that my superiors receive the proposal well and after deliberation, if God wills, approve our Master Plan.

Keep saying your daily Memorare,
Fr. David Thomas

New rendering of revitalized church and proposed parish hall.

Construction progress. New sidewalks were installed in September.

The Children's Crusade team hosting a Michaelmas Ice Cream Sundae for our Angelic Patron.

Sitting on our high altar is the relic of Pope Pius X, who named Michael Curly to serve as Bishop of Florida in 1914. In 1921, already being appointed the new Archbishop of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Baltimore-Washington D.C., one of Curly’s last official acts in Jacksonville was to create the parish of Holy Rosary before taking possession of America’s premier See.

This month’s write-in comes from two sisters, Cecilia and Teresa who live in St. Marys, KS. Their father was a Naval officer and married their mother in 1957 at our church. For their entire featured story, please click here. This picture provides an amazing view of the original altar. If you’d like your story featured, please get in touch with us.

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